When I Walk Then Sit Down My Feet Hurt When I Stand and Walk Again

Prevent your foot stiffness from slowing you downward and causing significant discomfort. By knowing why your feet uncomfortably stiffen upwards, you can take steps to keep them limber and pain-free.

Foot stiffness and pain in the morning

yourfootpalace.com gathered information about why your feet get strong later sleeping or sitting for extended periods, and what you can do to ease this discomfort.

Why Do My Anxiety Hurt in the Morning?

When your feet hurt in the forenoon or after sitting for long periods, it is a sign that something has gone awry. If that pain is frequent, excruciating, and leaving you debilitated, seek medical attention immediately. Otherwise, here are several possible reasons for your foot stiffness:

1 – Plantar Fasciitis

Foot stiffness afterwards sitting and in the morning time is a common symptom of plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a thick ligament on the lesser of your foot, running from the heel to the ball. This condition occurs when that ligament becomes irritated.

Plantar fasciitis is common for athletes, specifically runners. Wearing proper footwear and replacing your shoes every 400 to 500 miles tin can aid forbid overuse pain. Other contributing factors are flat feet, rapid weight gain, and obesity.

If your discomfort is due to plantar fasciitis, it will usually take a few minutes of activity to warm up the expanse and relieve the pain.

Read more than about plantar fasciitis pain relief at yourfootpalace.com/how-foot-massage-can-relieve-your-plantar-fasciitis-hurting/

2 – Plantar Fascia Rupture

This excruciatingly painful condition tin can atomic number 82 to stiffness during and long afterwards the healing procedure. While rare, this condition can occur during high impact exercises or in those with chronic plantar fasciitis.

Treatment and recovery for a ruptured plantar fascia may include partial or consummate immobilization of the foot, with normal standing or walking being possible inside a few weeks.

3 – Plantar Warts (Verruca Plantaris)

Plantar warts tin cause significant discomfort and are caused by a virus that specifically infects superficial layers of skin. When it occurs on the bottom of the foot, the virus volition abound within the layer of peel (not protruding like other warts).

Plantar warts caused by a virus verruca plantaris and causing foot discomfort

This is a virus, and there's no oral medication to end its occurrence. The virus must be treated at the infection site. Treatment may include topical acid preparations, freezing, injectable medications, and/or removal.

Plantar wart removal tin can be done in many ways, utilizing cautery agents, and/or light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation removal techniques. However, whichever way your wart is removed, it tin can reoccur and spread.

Prevent plantar warts through good foot hygiene, limiting barefoot exposure exterior, and disinfecting bathroom floors and shower basins.

iv – Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Those with rheumatoid arthritis are at increased gamble of developing plantar fasciitis, resulting in stiff feet in the morning or after long periods sitting (see #1 in a higher place).

Rheumatoid arthritis causes discomfort and pain leading to plantar fasciitis

Rheumatoid arthritis typically causes accompanying symptoms like inflammation, swelling, and pain in the wrists and hands, as well as the feet.

If you suspect rheumatoid arthritis is causing your discomfort, you may want to consult a rheumatologist. Rheumatologists are specialists that bargain with arthritis and diseases involving bones, muscles, and joints.

5 – Achilles Tendinitis

The Achilles tendon is a band of tissues connecting the dogie muscle to the heel os. When this tendon becomes inflamed, it tin result in Achilles tendinitis or stiffness and pain in the heel. Symptoms can be worse in the morning due to limited circulation while at residuum.

If you lot have Achilles tendinitis, pain or discomfort may be felt throughout the twenty-four hour period every bit well. Consult your main intendance physician for advice on pain relief or seek a physiatrist (a physician specializing in sports medicine or physical and rehabilitative medicine).

half-dozen – Hypothyroidism

This condition results in the disruption of chemical and hormone remainder in the body. Later on, this hypothyroidism tin atomic number 82 to inflammation, swelling, and discomfort in the feet, ankles, and heels.

Other symptoms of this condition include muscle weakness, depression, constipation, retention loss, among others. If you doubtable you are dealing with hypothyroidism, consult your primary care physician for diagnosis and treatment.

Read more about hypothyroidism at thyroid.org/hypothyroidism/

seven – Bursitis

Bursas are fluid-filled sacs cushioning bones, tendons, and muscles near big joints in the body. They're found in the hips, shoulders, elbow, and places like the heel and big toe of the foot.

Bursas in the human foot can become inflamed due to excessive repetitive move similar walking, running, or jumping. Other causes of bursitis include injury or trauma to the afflicted area, inflammatory arthritis such equally rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and infection.

Handling typically involves resting the area and protecting it from further trauma. In about cases, bursitis hurting and discomfort goes away within a few weeks with proper treatment. Recurrent flare-ups of bursitis are common.

Consult your doctor if yous are experiencing disabling joint pain or an inability to move a joint, peculiarly if symptoms are accompanied past a fever. A fever is a strong indication of infection.

8 – Parkinson'southward Affliction

Parkinson'due south disease tin can cause muscle stiffness, discomfort, and meaning difficulties initiating motion, including walking, speaking, and writing. The condition is accompanied by tremors, which may not exist noticeable in its beginning phases.

If you are experiencing problems with coordinated body movement, involuntary torso movements, evening time confusion, and dizziness, you should consult your principal care dr.. However, if Parkinson's is suspected, yous will likely be referred to a movement disorder specialist – a neurologist with preparation to detect conditions like Parkinson's.

For more information about Parkinson's disease, visit yourfootpalace.com/parkinsons-illness-symptoms-diagnosis-stages-treatment/

ix – Stress Fracture

Stress fractures in your foot (unremarkably the heel) tin can cause stiffness and increasing discomfort over fourth dimension if non treated. Stress fractures are typically the event of intense able-bodied activity, overuse, change in surface, improper shoes, or poor technique.

A stress fracture might go unnoticed when it occurs, but pain and swelling can develop over days or weeks and eventually leave you in pain throughout the twenty-four hours with difficulties walking.

Foot stress fractures sometimes go unnoticed until pain and swelling occur

Stress fractures usually heal on their own with reduced physical activity and protective footwear. If you suspect you have sustained a stress fracture, consult your doc every bit soon as possible for diagnosis and handling.

10 – Neuropathy

Potent feet in the morning tin outcome from problems in the nervous system and signal sense of the brain (neuropathic ideology). Among other diseases, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and vascular problems tin can contribute to this condition.

Neuropathy pain is described as a called-for sensation. Affected areas can exist sensitive to the touch. Mutual symptoms of neuropathic pain may include intolerable pain, pins and needles, difficulty sensing temperatures, and numbness.

If you lot doubtable neuropathy is causing stiffness in your anxiety, consult a podiatrist, your family physician, or a neurologist for an accurate diagnosis and handling program.

Read more about neuropathy pain and relief at yourfootpalace.com/how-massage-relieve-your-peripheral-neuropathy-pain/

Treatment for Stiff Feet

Besides buying amend-fitting shoes, the following forms of treatment can assistance ease mild or moderate stiffness and discomfort in the feet:

Apply Ice – Freeze a few water bottles. When you go up in the morning, wrap a bottle in a towel and whorl it gently from the ball of your foot to the heel and back, repeating this for a few minutes.

Stretch – Stretches piece of work to loosen muscles and tendons and, when practiced daily, can improve one's health and health significantly. The post-obit heel and arch stretch can help salvage foot stiffness and relax tense muscles:

  1. At arm'due south length from a wall, step back with your right foot and bend your left knee joint, keeping both anxiety and heels on the ground.
  2. Slowly lean forwards as far equally you can as you stretch.
  3. Hold the position for 10 seconds, then relax.
  4. Switch feet and repeat.

Picket this video for more easy stretching for your feet.

Massage – Massaging your feet is synonymous with self-care. Consider the post-obit:

  • Hold your human foot in your manus and apply gentle pressure along the height and bottom of the pes and heel surface area with your thumb.
  • Roll a tennis brawl along the bottom of your pes back and forth from toes to heel.
  • Schedule a reflexology human foot massage.

If y'all are experiencing sharp or sudden pain, or your status lasts longer than two days, consult your doc. Abrupt and sudden pain may be an indication of a more severe condition and should exist addressed immediately.

My Feet Hurt When I Wake Up and Later on Sitting

In this article, you discovered atmospheric condition that tin crusade your anxiety to stiffen while resting or sitting, how to relieve tension in your anxiety, and when to seek medical attention.

By addressing the stiffness in your feet, yous can go along them gratuitous from discomfort and pain, maintain your mobility, and boost your sense of wellness and wellness.

Ignoring abnormalities like stiffness, discomfort, and pain in your feet can exacerbate underlying health problems, and lead to the need for costly medical treatment.

cedars-sinai.org/health-library/diseases-and-atmospheric condition/p/plantar-fasciitis.html
mayoclinic.org/diseases-weather condition/bursitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20353242

Foot Palace Massage Spa Athens

196 Alps Rd Ste 31,Athens,GA30606
(706) 521-5290

Foot Palace Massage Spa Braselton

2095 Highway 211 NW Suite 7B,Braselton,GA30517
(678) 963-5958


Source: https://yourfootpalace.com/stiff-feet-in-morning-and-after-sitting/

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